Friday 2 January 2015

New Year… New You?

Everyone plans for the new year to do so many things and accomplish so many things. Frankly, I just want 2015 to be better than my one part of 2014. 2014 was crazy in itself! All around. It had ups and downs and some really terrible times. But also some really really good times.

I've decided this year that I'm not going to make a New Years resolution. New Years resolution are there saying "Break Me!". I'm going to make a goal. A goal for everyone and to everyone who is reading this right now. 

This year, in 2015, I plan to blog more than I have. I want to share my thoughts and experiences to any one who wants to read them. 

If every girl was the same as me, thinks the same as me, is the same as everyone else, that would be great. A perfect world where no one feels pressure to need to look and be perfect ALL the time.

I want this place on my laptop, to be that world. Or at least as close to that world as i can get. 

I want to "be real" here. So until that time where we are all ourselves and can just live, I'm gonna keep it "real" here and keep it "unreal" in real life.

Turning off the camera. xxx

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