Wednesday 17 December 2014

Everyday Summary - Wednesday

~Only one days until we fly off on our family vacation. I am definitely ready for a break. At the moment school just seems to be my lowest priority and I absolutely despise coming home to just do more work. it's just really difficult for me to focus right now. Netflix has also been a contributing factor to this problem.
~The flu seems to be going around this time of year and i only have mild to no symptoms. Other than a slight cough and stuffed nose I'm a ok. I sneeze so much though and my throat just hurts. Coughing, sneezing and a stuffy nose. How fun.
~I have been having those teenage moments of absolutely crushing over certain male actor. If you know what I mean. I'm basically trying to say I have a celebrity crush, or crushes. Chris Pine has been a big contender since that start of the month and the love just continues. I just watch every single movie he is in that is on Netflix (hence the reason I do not want to do my homework). My two favourites so far are Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit and Rise of the Guardians. Trust me when I say, that Rise of the Guardians is a much better movie then they show in the trailer. Also I found that they have their own website specifically for that movie. Is that normal? I re-watched the Jack Ryan trailer and realized that it is so misleading to the real plot and events in the movie. Last night I watched (again for the five thousandth time) 21 Jump Street. Channing Tatum is another one of the actors that I love at the moment. I realize the both Chris Pine and Channing Tatum are like 3 times my age. I just love their acting and their faces.
~It's that time of year for Christmas presents and wrapping and a jolly good time. Tomorrow is our last day of school which happens to be a day where I can do absolutely nothing. My class has put together a Secret Santa gift exchange.If you don't know what Secret Santa is, it's when a group of people draw names out of a hat (or box) and choose a slip of paper with someones name on it. Who ever's name is on the slip you have to buy a gift for them. Of course I had to buy a gift for a guy, which may possibly be the worst guy to buy a gift for. I never talk to him and have no idea what he wanted or even liked. My friends and I are also doing a little group secret santa which I am really excited for. Secret Santa is so fun because you know who you have which makes you have this feeling of excitement knowing that the other person is wondering who has them and also you're excited because you want to know who has you. I also think that choosing, wrapping and giving presents is more fun than receiving them. (Don't get me wrong, I do like presents too.)

Happening tomorrow:
~potluck lunch with class
~Secret Santa exchange
~Christmas assembly
~Doing nothing in classes
~Last Day of School for Winter break
~Packing for California
~catch up on latest episodes of Once Upon A Time and Castle (my two favourite shows of all time and the only ones I keep up with, other than random shows on Netflix which are old)!!!

Turning off the camera xxx

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