Sunday 18 January 2015

Mental Health Awareness

As you can tell by the title, I am writing about something very important that affects at least 20% of Canadians in their lifetime.

Mental Health is something that is becoming more and more know... by EVERYONE. It is something that affects many people, even briefly, in their lifetime. 

Mental Health affects all people of all ages. It is estimated that 10-20% of youth in Canada will experience mild to severe mental illness of disorder.

Today, about 5% of young men and 12% of young females will experience major depression.

School seems to only increase the pressure and anxiety, especially now when there are final exams and final projects that are a high percentage of your overall mark. 

The reason that I wanted to write this post specifically is because of someone, who goes to a school in my city, has a campaign to raise awareness and money for mental health. His name is Brett Rotary and he is an incredibly amazing person to come out so publicly with this.

If you have a twitter account, make sure to tweet with the hashtag CHHSLetsTalk and check out bell's LetsTalk day on January 28th.

Bell's commercials supporting this issue are really powerful and amazing! Bell's LetsTalk campaign has people like Clara Hughes, Micheal Landsberg, Mary Walsh and Howie Mandel are all part of this amazing project.

Back in May, I was apple, with a local YMCA and my school, to go and see Clara Hughes (for those of you who don't know Clara Hughes is a Canadian Olympic athlete) as she biked across Canada, talk about mental health. 

At that time I was going through something big. Something so big I didn't really know what it was and still don't.

Everyone is becoming more aware of mental health and that it does exist in the world. I am sure that if you go to school tomorrow and you look around your class room, you will see at least one person who suffers with a mental illness. 

You may not know who they are, they might even be your friend. 

Go check out Brett's twitter here. And click the links above to go see Bells LetsTalk website where you can see clips and commercials all about mental health awareness.

This is becoming more open to the world today. It is not something people should hide or be afraid of. It is an illness. People can't control wether or not they have this. 

It happens without them even knowing. Some people may not realize for a very long time that they have anything from anxiety to panic attacks and on.

Let me know down below in the comments what you think or if you have any tips for people going through this.

Girl With A Camera xxx

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