Sunday 4 January 2015

Your Precious Time

This is not the most cheerful Saturday post that I would want to be doing but I decided it needed to be said.

Right now I am sat in my room, curled up under my duvet cover with my faery lights on and I just got this feeling. That winter break is ending and I have to go back and face reality as well as SCHOOL. 

I have to face the reality of all the homework and six hour days trapped in a building with more than half of the people I either don't talk to or don't like.

I just want to keep myself here, in my safe place. 

I don't want to have to face the reality of leaving my home tomorrow and going out into the world where I have to actually do things I don't even care about. I have to put my heart into something that I don't even want to try to do.

For me, that's all school is. Having to put your heart and soul (and precious time of your ever so short life) into things you don't even care about. 

When you've grown up and have a job, possibly a family, and are doing what you're passionate about, are you really going to remember that stupid chemistry lab you had to do on your last day of winter break. Probably not. (I am referring to myself here when i say I'm working on a lab on the last day of MY break)

I am really glad that I get to learn and grow and explore the world, but I'm already motivated to do that, on my own. Without school.

This evening my mom and sister were talking over diner, about how school was so different when my mom and dad were young since my sister and I were both dreading going back to school.

Everything was pretty different before our lives, it seems. 

So I guess this whole post was about how messed up and how absolutely stupid I think school is. I keep thinking to myself "I only have four more years of this. Then I can do what ever I want." 

I do plan on going to uni and having a career or job later on. The problem with me thinking that I only have four more years of school is that I have absolutely no clue what I'm going to do with my life after the fact.

This week I want you to comment down below (if you've made it this far) what you're safe place or happy place is and if you have any clue as to what you're going to do with your life. 

I sometimes feel like I'm the only one who doesn't know what they want to do.

Shutting off the camera. xxx

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